Wednesday, December 17, 2008

One Time a Year

Well I realize now why I only get all suzy homemakery and cook one time a year. BECAUSE ONE TIME A YEAR IS ENOUGH!!! It's great to add the personal touch, but again only one time a year! I've spent the last two nights (after work) coming home to cook. Last night it was 2 huge batches of sausage balls and 2 batches of tuxedo balls... if you've never had them they are AWESOME!! (all credit goes to Heather for those!) Then tonight I made 2 batches of my candy cane sugar cookies. One batch is actually 2 batches... one white batch and one red batch so that's actually 4 batches!! Anyway I like to make Brian's employee's something for Christmas so it has a personal touch, plus we have our annual luncheon at work tomorrow where I always bring the cookies. And these days as Mackenzie is actually into everything and has teachers that have to keep up with her I realize they need CHristmas gifts too! And I've also realized why my Mom did it! Ha! Thanks Mom!!

Is that alot of cookies or what?? I even had half as much on another counter! I need to recoup until next year...

By the way, I just love these little chinese take out boxes! I used boxes like this for Mackie's b-day favors and now I'm using them again for Christmas! They are so cute, and they matched the boxes I found for the cookies back in October!

Side note... Brian laughed at my word... suzy homemakery, but its my blog and I can use the words I want to!! When he gets his own he can use the words he wants! Ha!


Anne said...

So cute! Where did you get the super cute take-out boxes? They are great! I need to get some! You go girl!

Arkansas Vaclaw's said... I have eaten ALL but 2 cookies by my self and Mitchell has eaten can we PLEASE have some more!!! YUMMY!! I need that recipe!! Chop chop....get to it! :)
Thanks a million!