Sunday, June 20, 2010

Don't be jealous!

Don't be jealous... My kids have the best Daddy in the world!! Sorry if it makes you jealous... but its the truth. :)

I knew when I married the man he'd be a wonderful Daddy, but seeing him in action is a whole different story! Just seeing him with the kids is enough to make my heart melt! (Except for when I hear him teaching Mackenzie the words "Chinese Barking Spider"... if you don't know, don't ask...) I could sit here and list the reasons why he's such a good Daddy but it would make me cry and make you vomit, so just trust me... He is the best Daddy ever!

Tonight when I was cooking Father's Day dinner I kept hearing Mackenzie coming in and out of our bedroom. I knew BK was in there watching the US Open after putting up some laundry, and I also assumed Dylan was in there after I was in the middle of cooking when Dylan needed a diaper change. So I went back to investigate and this is what I found...

Mackenzie informed me they were watching baseball. I said "Baby, it's golf." She said "Golfball". I decided not to push the issue. Thought it was so sweet to see them all laid up on our bed "watching golfball"! Mackenzie was even sweet enough to share her blanket with Dylan, because "we have the fan on because you're not in here and we need to see". (According to Mackenzie.)

We love you Brian! So blessed to have you in our lives!!

1 comment:

Grammy Jane said...

Lindsey, I'm so glad I checked your blog. I was going to delete it and found that you are again active! I enjoyed all the pictures and comments about your precious family. Where's your picture?