Tuesday, October 19, 2010


This is a simple recap from a couple of weeks ago...

Screams from the baby's room at 10:45 = A Mommy who just thought she was going to get extra sleep
Not just normal baby fussing... red faced close the door so we don't wake up the 4 year old can't figure out why he's screaming snot shooting screams.

1. Maybe he's uncomfortable? Wake up the thoroughly exhausted hubs to put the still warm from the dryer comforter back in the baby bed while I hold the baby and try to calm him down.

Still screaming.

2. Maybe his teeth/gums hurt? Ask the still exhausted hubs to get the Tylenol and Teething Tablets while I try to keep the screaming baby from waking up his sister or falling out of my arms (not really, but he was flailing BIG TIME!) while freaking out.

Still screaming. And now stopped up.

3. Maybe he can't breath because of all the snot. He's already FURIOUS and FREAKING OUT so why not suck out his nose? Still exhausted hubs holds his hands and head while I suck out his nose while trying not to wake up the 4 yr old next door. (Whose bed is right up against her brother's wall.)

Still screaming. However, its a totally different level of screaming now... Like blow in the face to start him breathing again screaming.

4. Maybe if I rock said screaming baby it will help calm him down. (and keep me from crying.)

Nope. Still screaming.

EUREKA!! All the sudden I realized what the problem was!! (Thanks for the clue Dylan!) If you're a parent you know what I finally figured out...


5. Carry the screaming baby past the 4 yr olds room into my room to ask the even more exhausted and now aggravated hubs to get out of the bed and pretty please with a cherry on top get the gas medicine. (As you can imagine there was no way I could hold him with one arm, get the medicine, measure it, and administer it while he was screaming hysterically.)

Rocking the baby who doesn't like to be snuggled or rocked? Makes it all better!

Kissing his sweet baby nose while rocking him? Makes it all better.

The lack of extra sleep is not as important now.

Then I thought, I'm gonna miss this... And I teared up.

Calm and snuggled baby started to get restless... So I reluctantly put him back in bed.

Rinse. Repeat. Sleep.

Oh wait! Wrong Instructions.

Remember?? No sleep!

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