Saturday, December 4, 2010

Frosty the Snowman

My Suzy Homemaker moments are few and far between... However there have been a few in my life (particularly since become a mother) where I have done something for the sake of my kids and been extremely proud of my Suzy Homemaker moment... Today is one of those days! Ha!

Today I was in Hallmark looking for wrapping paper and saw cookie cutters to make Frosty the Snowman, and since Mackenzie loves Frosty and we like to make cookies together (most of the time slice and bake) I decided to get them.

As I expected she was totally pumped about the idea! We made the cookies while Dylan was napping this afternoon but had to wait to decorate them until after dinner. And here is how they turned out...

It was great Mommy/Mackenzie quality time which means it was $6.95 well spent!!

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