Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Sweet Sister!

One day last week I left Dylan playing in the middle of my bed while Mackenzie "kept an eye" on him. I walked into my bathroom to get some laundry, when I came back out I happened upon this...

Mackenzie had gone from keeping an eye on him to sitting behind him with him "in her lap" watching whatever was on TV. I just wanted to melt into a puddle but had to run and get my camera before Dylan started crying or Mackenzie said "He's too heavy!"

I snuck this picture from my bathroom when Mackenzie wasn't looking. Her favorite thing in the world to do is try to get her brother "rolling"... aka laughing hysterically!

She is always loving on her baby brother! Such a sweet big sister!! Check out those cheeks on the big boy!

This one just makes me giggle, because she lets him get away with alot!! When she'd tell her Daddy, "Daddy, you're aggravating me!"

We are so blessed to have two precious healthy children!! I love how much they love each other now and how Dylan's favorite person in the world is his big sister! I hope they continue this way for the rest of their lives and always remain close even though I know they'll fight at times.

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