Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Lindsey the Ladybug Pillow Pet

A while back I blogged about Mackenzie's desire for a Pillow Pet. At the same time I also mentioned that we weren't going to buy her one, but she had to do extra chores to earn the money for it. We were trying to teach her the value of earning the money and chores.Well about a week and a half ago (yeah I'm late) she earned all her stickers and as a result the $ she needed to get her Pillow Pet.

Then go figure... Our Wal-Mart didn't have any Ladybug Pillow Pets!! (Since then I've discovered 3 or 4 other places in town with them... but that didn't help me then!) But our wonderful babysitter Wanda knew we were looking for one and had one of the other kids mom's get one out of town. Thank you Wanda and Allison!! So that night we picked it up from Wanda's and gave it to Mackenzie when she got home from Cubbies at church. As you can tell from the pictures she was a little bit excited...


Oh and did I forget to mention when I asked her what her name was, she said "I don't know!" Then she said, "I'm just kidding! Her name is Lindsey!" She thought it was the funniest thing in the wordl to name her Pillow Pet after me. Silly girl!!

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