Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Walking and Chores

Yesterday my baby boy turned 8 months old! He also decided he was totally over crawling after a couple of weeks and decided it was time to start pulling up on everything and walking anywhere we would go with him. A couple of weeks ago Dylan started pulling up and wanting to stand all the time and even trying out cruising a little. I gave him 2 months before he started walking. After seeing the video below you'll understand why I now give him a month. We're in for it now!!

A few weeks ago I mentioned how we had made a "Good Choices Chart" for Mackenzie to help with some issues we were having. Well I am thrilled to say that the chart is working big time! She has been doing so good and we're so proud of the good choices she is making!! She sounds so mature when she talks about "making good choices". She's 4 so of course she still has her moments, but she's doing so good!

I say all this #1 to give an update but #2 to talk about the 2nd chart we're using these days... Mackenzie has always helped out around the house in age appropriate ways and in the last 6 months or so we started calling them "chores". I had been planning to make her a "Chore Chart" to track how she was doing on chores and also to hold her accountable. A while back Mackenzie saw a pillow pet in Wal-Mart and said she wanted one. She didn't need one and there was really no reason to get one, so I told her she could do chores to earn money to buy the Pillow Pet. But... we got sidetracked with life and with the beginning of school. However, right after we made the "Good Choices Chart" we also made the "Chore Chart". We have 6 different chores she helps with and when she has earned 20 stickers she'll have earned enough money to go buy her pillow pet. My goal is to teach her what it means to earn the money to buy something and also how she needs to do her chores. I don't always remind her that she has earned a sticker because I want her to do chores because its her responsibility and not just because she wants to earn something. She has already decided which Pillow Pet she wants so hopefully when she has earned the money Wal-Mart will have a Ladybug Pillow Pet in stock!!

(By the way, I think this is a pretty common thing in kids this age... Check out my friend Ashley's blog to see a pretty similiar story. Random how it's all happening at the same time too! And its for the exact same thing! Ha!)

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