Sunday, April 10, 2011

Beth V Photography Class: Day 3 "In"

Lately I've been thinking alot about how I would love to get better at photography and even went so far last weekend to look for an online photography course. But being "frugal" aka CHEAP, I got discouraged very quickly when I saw a few of the options that were out there and how expensive they were. Then I also began to get really intimidated at an "instructor" and other people ripping my amateur photographs apart. This weekend I was trying to catch up on my blog reading and happened across my friend Ashley's blog and noticed she had enrolled in an online FREE photography class! I almost cried!! Yeah I know... drama queen! Anyway I immediately went over to Beth V Photography and read the details and knew it was the class for me! Something where I would get tricks and tips and learn how to use my camera more and LEARN what I was doing! And in a laid back type atmosphere! I was pumped!

So over the next month, I'll get an assignment every other day and I'll be posting my pics here. I'm already excited about my picture I took for today's assignment. We were supposed to take a picture INside. And I'm excited about what I've already learned from the tips in her email.

Disclaimer: I may or may not have bribed my child who hates the camera these days to take the picture... Emphasis on the may... Oh and today I'm posting 3 when I should only be posting one... but I was so happy with my pics and the fact she agreed that I couldn't decide. Next assignment... one picture. :)

ISO 800, 1/80, f/5.6

ISO 400, 1/40, f/5.6

ISO 800, 1/40, f/5.3

1 comment:

bethany said...

You totally got the catchlights! Nice job! Your daughter is adorable.