Saturday, April 23, 2011

Beth V Photography Class: Day 7 "Shadows"

Last week was a crazy week to say the least... I had something every night it seemed, and the night I didn't, it was cloudy and raining, so there wasn't any chance to take a picture with shadows!

I knew there was very little chance that I'd get all 3 of my crazies in a picture together, so I first started with the kiddo who I could try to con into a cool shadow picture. However, she wasn't feeling it and it ended up with me having to apologize for getting frustrated with her.

Soooooo, I thought I'd get a precious picture of Dylan and Brian standing and holding hands, but NOPE! Dylan wasn't having it and was ready for his uncharacteristic second nap of the day. So Brian tried to put him on his shoulders for a pic, but again, he wasn't having it.

But I ended up with a cute picture that showed exactly what was going on... Brian wresting Dylan. Which turned out funny. And just goes to show... the best planned pictures just don't turn out perfectly alot of times! :)

ISO 200, 1/250, f/5.6

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