Monday, September 8, 2008

Countdown to Disney

Well guys, we've begun serious Disney countdown. It's official... I think I'm gonna lose my mind before we even leave. I'm so totally crazy, that I've been packing suitcases... the car... and toy bags in my head for at least 2 weeks and we've still got a little bit to go. I've bought prizes to hopefully bribe Mackie to behave on the 14 hr drive to Orlando, and been recording DVD's off our DVR like there is no tomorrow. Either way, we all know that at some point, we'll scream at each other, her, and I'll probably cry from frustration!! All of this in the quest to enjoy the Magic that is Disney! Honestly though, in spite of all the craziness that is being a goofy control freak, I CAN'T WAIT!! Mackenzie is going to have the time of her life and we'll be there to watch!! On top of that we're going with a couple of families that are good friends of ours, so hopefully that will cut down on some of the insanity as we laugh at our kids and roll our eyes in frustration together. I'm choosing to believe that the kids will help enterain each other on the drive instead of tripling the insanity, but regardless, we'll be "making memories!" Now if only I can find my new camera somewhere I haven't tried already where its not on back order or full price I'll be perfectly happy! More on Disney to come!


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