Wednesday, May 26, 2010

It's a Skunk!

So Monday night while I was cleaning the kitchen Mackenzie decided to play a game with this big black rubbermaid box we have at our house... (over the weekend it had been a shell but read on and you'll see what it was this night...)

So the it went down like this...

Mackenzie : Mommy when I plop this box down say "It's a SKUNK!"

Me: Ok baby

THUMP! (Needless to say we had words about this being so loud since Dylan was taking his nap before we are dinner and he almost jumped out of his bouncy seat)

L: Wow... what is that in my kitchen?? Hmm... I don't know. Wait, what is that smell?? OH NO!! It's a SKUNK!! Where is Mackenzie she's not going to believe there is a skunk in my kitchen!

M : SILENCE... (Very impressive if you know my 4 yr old)

L: Some more random silly comments about a "skunk" in my kitchen.

Then I see this...

Yep, those are little 4 yr old hands sticking out of the "skunk".

L: Oh my goodness! The skunk has hands! WHOA!! The skunk has purple fingernails like Mackenzie does!! Mackenzie is NOT going to believe this!! (More random comments...)

M: Giggle Giggle

L: Wow, if the skunk has purple fingernails I wonder if it has purple toenails...

M: Slowly the hands creep back in the box.... and what emerges but...

So you and I realize that there is no way I can see her toenails from this angle but she's 4 so I played like I could.

L: I CAN NOT BELIEVE IT!! The skunk has purple toenails like Mackenzie too!! She will not believe it when I tell her!! I have to find her!!!

M: Giggle Giggle Giggle... Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle

L: Looking for Mackenzie in random places like the dishwasher, the sunroom, the fridge.

Then all of the sudden...

Who can resist that precious face? Even if I had to play the "skunk" game 4 more times after that!!

1 comment:

Ashley N said...

That is the cutest skunk ever : )