Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Which is Which?

So I know if you look at pictures of Mackenzie and Dylan now you don't think they look a THING alike! But guess what... they do as babies!! After the head full of brown hair that's the first thing I noticed... How much Dylan looked EXACTLY like Mackenzie as a baby! Brian agreed with me but even my own mother didn't believe me until I pulled out pictures!! Thanks Mom! Ha! By the way, I want to say a special thanks to Ash for agreeing with me! Girl it felt so good that somebody else saw it without having to see the pics side by side and didn't act like I was a liar!! Ha!

So here are some pictures of my kiddos where they look sooo much alike!

If it wasn't for the blankets, bet you couldn't tell which was which... Mackenzie was about a month old and Dylan was 2 days old.

Both kiddos are about 2 months old here... Want to venture a guess? (Here's a hint... I'm keeping the pictures consistently placed...)

So I realize they are both going to hate me for these pictures one day, but their facial expressions are the same, and if you could see other pictures you would see they are even holding their feet the same... They are both 3 months old here.


Ashley N said...

Is that not crazy??!! You can't deny it with those the bathtub pictures, where the hair is not so much a factor, they really look identical!

Lins said...

I know isn't it crazy?? I even had a couple of people at work who thought both bathtub pics were of Dylan until I told them differently. I can't wait to see how they look when Dylan gets older! The coloring and hair is different but so far the faces are VERY similar! They even have the same mannerisms... crazy!