Wednesday, May 19, 2010

One day when I grow up...

... I want to learn how to survive with two crazy kiddos, an even more insane job, an even more (like straight jacket kind of) insane hubby's job, a laid back husband, a non-filthy house (notice I didn't even ask for clean), and all the other things associated with being a Mommy/Wife... without feeling like I could fall into a pile on the floor. I mean the shoulder slumping, rib sucking in, so tired you physically hurt kind of tired! Is that too much to ask for??? :) Maybe it is a little much to ask for... when all I really should be doing is focusing on the blessings that God has provided in this Crazy Kennebeck Life!

Our God is GOOD!

My name is Lindsey and this has been my random thought for the day...


Ashley N said...

Girl, it sounds like you had a WEEK! Unfortunately, I'm right there with you, but I allowed myself a minor meltdown about midweek, and it did help some. Right now, I'm praising God for the weekend...can I get an AMEN??!!

Lins said...

HALLELUYER!! (Chanelling Madea right about now...) I want to have a meltdown too! Tell me how you worked that into your schedule then I'm going to try to do the same!! Ha!