Monday, May 17, 2010

One pretty big milestone... and another not so big one.

Last week Dylan hit two milestones, one that was pretty big as far as new babies go and then one not so big one, but hey it's my blog so I'll call it what I want!!

Early last week Dylan started waking up fussing in the middle of the night and after the second night I realized it was becoming a pattern... He would wake up fussing because he would have scooted himself to the top of his cradle and his little baby soft spot was squishing up against the bars of the cradle. (Hey I'd fuss if it was me, so who can blame him!) I'd pull him back down to his normal spot but he'd end up doing it at least once if not twice more. After 3 or 4 nights of this I realized that it was time... Time to move Dylan to his big boy bed. AKA his crib. :)

It made me sad to move him to his crib... I don't know why but it seemed like it bothered me even more than when I moved Mackenzie. But maybe I'm just losing it... The night I moved him to his crib I had to sit on the couch and snuggle my little baby boy longer than normal before finally putting him down in his bed. I'll admit I almost cried, but I held it together like the good Mommy I am. Ha!

My Sweet Baby Boy

And the other not so big milestone... He started wearing 3-6 months clothes. All his pj's were getting to short so we had to move on up. He can still wear some of his 0-3 month stuff but only if it doesn't have feet or legs. I will point out that he was 3 months old last Tuesday, so regardless of how big our babies are, they aren't that big!! Ha!

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