Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The Beach in January

Over the weekend we told my parents that we were going to take them, my brother, and his girlfriend to the beach for their 3oth anniversary. (Just so happens our 7th is that week too!) Anyway after the initial freak out by them about not paying for the whole house, they were THRILLED! Well Mom was THRILLED and my Dad was just... well my Dad. We got a really big grin at first and then several comments about how the beach is "fine with him", "I don't hate the beach, just don't want to sit in the sun all day". For my Dad who is one of the most laid back people in the world this was excited! The initial smile says it all, I didn't over analyze after that. Anyway back to my story... So since Nana was thrilled Mackenzie in turn got super pumped! She kept saying We're going to the.... beach! (FOr some reason she whispers beach every time.) Anyway after we got home Brian ran an errand and when he came back he went to her room and came back to the den laughing hysterically. This is what I saw when I went in there...

Yep she had pulled out everything in her top dresser drawer to find her bathing suit! We had to put them both on! Who doesn't wear a bathing suit in January?? (I was thrilled to find that one we bought for Disney - that she never wore, is too big so it should fit next year! What an awesome $5 at Target!)

I told her we needed to take a bath and she immediately declared she needed to swim. Obviously I thought it would make such good memories that I let her go swimming for a while!
Check out the many facial expressions of Mackie! (Wonder where she got the facial expression thing from...)

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