Thursday, January 22, 2009

Latest Conversation

So if you're a parent, you know how it is after your kid has been home sick for a few days and its time to get back into the routine... Usually clingy when you leave, sometimes in a bad mood, and takes some time to get back in the swing of things.

I say this to explain the conversation I had with Mackenzie while she was in the bathtub a few minutes ago. Her friend Mattie was out sick on Monday or Tuesday and just came back yesterday.

Me: Did you have a good day? (I just got home)
Mackie: Yep!
Me: Were you a good girl today?
Mackie: Yes ma'am. (That's always the answer... at least the first time)
Me: Who did you play with?
Mackie: Mattie (Mary Claire is still out sick)
Me: Was she in a better mood today? (Yesterday morning was rough for Mattie)
Mackie: No, she was in a BAD mood!
Me: What was the matter with Mattie?
Mackie: She was mad at me. (Very matter of factly)
Me: Why was she mad at you?
Mackie: She hurt my feelings.
Me: Why did she hurt your feelings?


Couldn't get anything out of her after that... It's so random the conversations you have with your 2 year old! (Who thinks she is 20)


The Heinze's said...

i love your blog!!! so cute

The Heinze's said...

i have this conversation