Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Snow Day

The title says snow day... but it was more like Sleet/Freezing Rain day with a little bit of snow mixed in! :)

We were supposed to get up to 4-6 inches of snow on Sunday, but of course there was a big wide open pocket in the storm so all we got was Sleet and Freezing rain and a tiny bit of the snow we were supposed to get. SURPRISE! Not!!

I haven't sorted thru all my "real pics" from my camera, so I decided to just post my faves from my iPhone! (I just love the Histamatic app!!)

Mackenzie loved placing outside in it even if it was just sleet that accumulated. School was cancelled yesterday and today, work didn't open until noon yesterday, and I couldn't get to our babysitters house yesterday because her road was totally iced over so I stayed home with the kiddos until BK got off. While Dylan took his morning nap Mackenzie and I went outside to let her play.

Dylan didn't play in it... I didn't think a baby who was still trying to get the art of walking mastered and puts everything in his mouth was a really good combination!! Ha! Plus he's fighting a cough and I didn't want a sick baby on my hands! :) No, I'm not a horrible mother, I didn't make him miss his first snow!! His first snow was the day he was born!! Literally it started snowing within 10 minutes of him being born... don't remember if it was before or after he was born... wonder why!! Ha!

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