Friday, January 28, 2011

Sweeping (and mopping)

I don't like to sweep.

I feel like I should sweep the floors in my kitchen (and extra room about every 4 hours these days.)

I don't remember having this problem in our old house. Maybe it was because we didn't walk in our kitchen straight from the garage(we didn't have one... in our old house.

Or maybe it's because when you walked in our old house you walked onto a tiny scrap of hardwood and then onto carpet.

Side note: I thought Berber carpet was U-G-L-Y when we first moved in our old house. That was until I realized how well it hid all kinds of stuff amd subsequently how infrequently it HAD to be vacuumed. Then we moved into our current house with crappy crappy carpet that is stains and hides NOTHING!! (I'm considering Berber again when we replace the carpet... Hopefully later this year)

Ok back to my original point... I hate to sweep.

I used to like to mop when I was growing up... It was the one chore I didn't mind doing when it was chore time... Then I grew up and became the one responsible for making sure the floors were mopped. And before I moved into a house with light wood floors that show everything.

BUT I still prefer sweeping AND mopping to the hated VACUUMING!!!! That is my least favorite chore of all! I'd rather clean the toilet!! For real though!! (hence the reason we have a deal... Brian vacuums, I clean the toilets.)

Ok so maybe I have a problem with just cleaning floors. Thanks for tracking allnthat crap in my house Kennebecks! :)

Well if I'm being honest I hate cleaning period. But somebody has to do it! And these days a wonderful wonderful twice a month maid just isn't in my budget!! Oh how I miss those days...

I think I'm going to sleep soon... My chores are done for today, but there are more tomorrow! Kids rooms and bathrooms are left... Fun times!

P.S. Bet ya can't guess the last chore I did that sparks this post...

P.P.S. If you were missing your daily dose of randomness... You can thank me later. You have just gotten it.

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