Thursday, May 27, 2010

Mickey Wuvey

Any of you who know me (or actually Mackenzie) well know that she has been obsessed with Mickey since I don't know when... probably about the time she realized she could be obsessed about anything! Mickey Mouse Clubhouse was her favorite show and still is in the top 3. (I'll refrain from singing the Hot Dog song for your benefit...) And she had a little Mickey called "Little Buddy" or "Buddy" for short that she carried around with her EVERYWHERE!! When she went to 3 yr old preschool last August they were allowed to bring a "comfort item" for naptime, but I decided to have mercy on her teachers and not even try that... If I could get away with it that is! So I told her that Buddy wasn't allowed to go to school but he could go to work with Mommy. So the first day of school Buddy went to school with me and I even took a picture to show her!

One day after we had told Mackenzie we were going to have another baby we were asking her what she wanted to name the baby. And out of the blue she said "If its a boy I want to name it Mickey and if its a girl I want to name it Minnie." There it was... no discussion, no nothing. End of Story. Wellllll as you know Mickey isn't his name, although people still randomly call him that joking and before we found out what we were having people always talked about whether we would have a Mickey or a Minnie!

After buying a baby gift for a friends daughter we had to promise Mackenzie that when we found out what we were having we'd buy a Mickey if it was a boy and a Minnie if it was a girl... So the day we found out about Dylan we were in Wal-Mart buying a Mickey! Until the day we moved, the Mickey sat on her dresser because she was keeping it for her baby brother.

All of this dialogue for the sake of two pictures... a co-worker gave us a Mickey "Wuvey" (a term she picked up at school... Lovey with a "W") for Dylan at my baby shower and from that moment Mackenzie loved it! After Dylan was born she was so precious because she'd carry it to where it was and put it with him in his car seat or his bouncy seat or even sleep with it because "Brother isn't big enough to sleep with it, and he wants to share with me." We were having conversations pretty frequently about the fact that the Mickey Wuvey was Dylan's and not hers. Then I had a thought... why not add to Mackenzie's 5000 Mickey's and buy her a Mickey Wuvey too? So we did and she is THRILLED because they have matching Wuvey's!

All this to say, the other night she fell asleep with her wuvey by her face and I had to take a picture! So of course after that I had to go put Dylan's by him in his bed and take a picture of him with his! Ha!

P.S. I think I've inspired my next post... Mackenzie, The Mickey Chronicles.

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