Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Our Lives Changed Forever... Version #2

On February 11, 2010 our lives changed forever... for the second time!

Dylan Thomas Kennebeck was born at 12:31 pm on February 11, 2010. He weighed 8 lbs 10 ozs and was 19 1/2 inches long.

Ever since the day Mackenzie was born it was a joke how much she did NOT look like she belonged to us... So you can imagine how funny it then turned out to be when Dylan was born and he looked EXACTLY like you'd expect a Kennebeck Kiddo to look like. He had a full head of dark hair (which we later discovered was dark brown with lighter highlights like MINE!! Finally something my kids got of mine!! Ok other than Mackenzie acting exactly like me...) and looked so much like Brian! We even started getting jokes asking if we were sure he was ours since he looked so different than Mackenzie. Hey when you have kids that look so different you can't win!

We were so thrilled to have him here safe and healthy!! And SOOOOO thankful that we got to have him here 10 days early!! Had Dr. Watson let me go all the way to my due date I would have given birth to a 12 year old! Trust me! I have a really funny story of the day I asked how big she thought he was, but there is no way to tell it that makes it blog worthy so trust me... it's HILARIOUS! What can I say? We grow 'em big in our house!

Proud Daddy!!

Mommy and her baby boy!

But MOST importantly, Mackenzie the Big Sister and her Baby Brother! She doesn't look proud does she??

I'll admit, and anybody who was was around during my pregnancy can attest too... I was totally freaked out by the whole boy thing! I can handle a girl, hello I've already done it once and know what to expect. But a boy... freaked me out! We'll just say I was most freaked out by the little detail that makes boys and girls so different... (How's that for wording things carefully?) I knew in my heart I would be totally fine... I'm a big girl I can handle it but it was honestly more than a little scary to me... Even though I was freaked out I was so excited for Brian to get "his boy" because I know all Daddy's secretly (or not so secretly) want a little boy to play catch with and teach all the boy stuff.

Disclaimer: I know without a shadow of a doubt that Brian would have been 100% at peace had we had another little girl because he loves his baby girl with ALL his heart and is the BEST Daddy to her! 

Over the last 3 months I have been amazed by how much you can love not only one child but two! (And at how I can handle baby boy stuff... When it becomes big boy stuff it becomes Daddy's problem! Ha!) God has blessed us so much with not only Mackenzie but now Dylan as well! One of my most precious memories is one night when he was a few weeks old I was sitting on the couch getting ready to put him in bed and I just had this overwhelming sense of peace about how our family was complete. It made me start crying because I knew even more than I already knew that God had given us a precious little boy for a reason and I could not have been happier!


Ashley N said...

HYSTERICAL that you were scared of having a boy...I didn't really know that. The carefully stated reason is the hysterical part!! But I get it...the idea of that scared me too before we found out Pres was a girl. You are, and I'm sure will continue to be, an awesome boy mom!

Lins said...

Girl I can't believe you didn't know how freaked out I was about having a boy!! TOTALLY! I'm glad I was able to entertain with the carefully worded part... you should hear me tell it in person... I don't think anybody I said it too didn't laugh! Awww thanks girl! We are both so blessed to have such good examples of parents for us to learn from! We can't help but to be Super Moms after that!! :)