Saturday, May 15, 2010

Rocks... An Obession

Ever since the first day Mackenzie started preschool she had an obsession with bringing home rocks from the playground. It started with one or two, but now some days she comes home with pockets full!! Now I know what our tuition payments go towards... more gravel/rocks for the playground!! Within the first couple of weeks of Mackenzie starting school she brought me a rock home and said "Here Mommy, this is for you to take to work. You can keep it on your desk and think about me." It was so precious that she was thinking like that but still silly at the same time that she had gotten me a rock for my desk. But guess what... I took it to work the next day and it's still there! Our department recently moved to another area, and guess what I did. You got it... packed the rock right along with everything else. When I saw it, I couldn't help but smile and remember that precious day.

Thruout the weeks and months of preschool she has continued to bring rocks home. Sometimes she brings them home for herself and then some days she will bring home 3 or 4 rocks. Even before I had Dylan she started bringing him home little rocks, and saying she was going to keep them for him until he was big enough to play with them. It blessed my heart that even at that stage she was so in love with her little brother that he was important enough to get rocks from school too!

Just last week I turned around to find her making a pile in the middle of the kitchen floor of rocks that she'd brought home that day. I had to take a picture to remember these sweet moments!

And on Friday after her big "Zoo Picnic" she opened up her lunchbox on the way home (they brought lunch for the picnic that day), and said "Mommy! I picked flowers for you today at school!! But they're dying!" I told her that was ok I was sure they were still beautiful! And in my Mommy's eyes they were beautiful even if they were wilted and probably all weeds. That same day she brought home MORE rocks in a baggie for me and again I had to take a picture of the sweet memories.

It's funny how such a simple thing as a rock can mean so much to a 3 or 4 year old. And even more importantly bring such precious memories along with it!! I know personally I'll never look at a rock the same way again and when I stop to think, I'll always remember my precious little girl bringing home a rock for me to take to work.


Ashley N said...

So, you know we have the same issue...did I tell you that we have designated an area of our flower bed for all her rocks. So, she can bring home as many as she wants, and every afternoon she goes out and adds them to her "rock garden". We had tears several times after I threw them away, not knowing how "special" they were to her. Now we keep them all...just outside!

Lins said...

Glad to know I'm not the only one dealing with the rock obsessiong! Ha! Such a good Mommy to create a "rock garden"! I've been leaving enough big ones that she can "randomly" find them but throwing most of them away when she doesn't think about it... But as you well know... drama still ensues!