Wednesday, July 7, 2010

8 Years Ago

8 years ago yesterday I married my best friend. And as cheesy as it sounds, I love him more today than I did
the day I married him. Even before I actually started dating I was praying for the man that God would one day bless me with as my husband. And as usual God blessed me beyond what I could ever ask for or imagine!!

We were 20 & 22 when we got married and had no idea of what life would hit us with in the next few years but we knew that God had given us each other and that was all that mattered. If we had God and we had each other we knew we could make it thru anything. The first year was a tough one, I was still in school and Brian was selling insurance on commission only and money was extremely hard to come by. Every time things get tight I remember back to that first year and how God provided us with an unexpected check in the mail when we had $11 in our bank account, we needed groceries, I was sick and needed medicine, and a couple of other necessities, and to top it all off Brian didn't get paid for another week. The check wasn't much but it was exactly what we needed to make it thru. One of MANY times God provided in just the right moment.

There are so many more moments of pain (Brian's Dad passing away, 3 of my grandparents having cancer, etc), trials (Financial, Job Loss, Miscarriage, etc), and relying on God (for EVERYTHING) that I could list here for you guys to read, but you get the point... Our God is good and is the only reason we have each other in the first place.

I could never have imagined the husband that God would provide for me, and even if I could change a thing I wouldn't! He is such an amazing husband and father and I can't imagine sharing my life with anyone else! He is as laid back as I am NOT laid back. (Go ahead and laugh... its the truth!) He doesn't take crap from me and doesn't let me get away with much. (One of the first reasons my Mom liked him.) We are exact opposites in every way you can imagine, honestly if I like one thing he hates it! The only exception is our faith and our morals. And guess what? That's all that matters! If we agree on the things that matter the rest of it can be dealt with... Even if he is a freak who likes mayo! YUCK!!

Brian is such an amazing and loving and Godly man and I love him more every day of our lives together! I thank God every day that He has blessed me with such a wonderful husband! I can't imagine what my life would be without him and am so thankful that we get to spend the rest of our lives together. Brian I love you with all of my heart! Thanks for asking me to be your wife! It was the second best decision I ever made!

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