Friday, July 9, 2010

Fashion Sense?

We are always a little interested to see what will emerge when we hear Mackenzie changing clothes... It sometimes matches, is consistently entertaining, and never boring! These days she is on this dress kick, so I've had to get her several new dresses that she can wear to school, and she LOVES maxi dresses but I don't let her wear them to school because its just an accident waiting to happen!

Tonight all of the sudden she runs into the kitchen when we're putting up groceries wrapped up in a blanket and says "Guess What?". I had an idea what was coming... She then flings open the blanket and is in just her panties! (Brian is a little concerned about her fondness for being naked...Ha!) I proceed to tell her to go put her clothes back on. She says "But my clothes were making me cold!" I then pointed out her clothes won't make her cold... Then it was like it clicked and she switched tactics, "My clothes were making me hot!" I proceeded to tell her again to go put clothes on.

Well we were caught off guard by what came back in the kitchen a few minutes later... It took everything I had in me not to laugh in her face when she asked for help buttoning her skirt.

When she originally came in the kitchen she was barefoot. Notice what she came back wearing...

Tinkerbell socks and brown winter shoes. (I still haven't figured out her renewed obsession with these shoes in the middle of the summertime.)

Yes that is a sweater vest with no shirt underneath...

And a blue jean skirt with tights that only match because they both have polka dots.

Fashion sense? Yes. Good fashion sense? Do I really need to answer that question?


Ashley N said...

Now that is funny! I need to make that girl a dress. Mattie is obsessed with dresses too!!

Magen said...

HAHAHAHAHA! And don't forget those rockin' Dora bandaids on her elbow. She is a trend-setter fo sho.