Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Grace Undeserved

Over the last few weeks since life has calmed down considerably in our house I've been convicted about my quick temper at times, the frustration I easily give in to, or the aggravation I let take over my reactions. All of these are a result of the insanity that has been our lives the last 6 months or so (and of course my sin nature), but I am still in charge of my reaction. And my reaction hasn't been the appropriate response alot of the times lately.

While being convicted about my reactions I've recently read a couple of blog posts that brought my conviction into a different light. My friend Ashley talks about grace in light of some behavioral stuff going on with her 4 1/2 yr old (just like we've recently been thru) and also by one of my favorite bloggers MckMama talked about it in her reactions to her kids as well. So at least I'm not alone! And thank goodness for other Mommies helping me with perspective.

Grace is something that God so freely gives to all of us. None of us deserve it. Yet all of us receive his endless mercy and amazing grace. (Cue the hymn...) I can only imagine how much like me, when in those moments where I'm doing something I shouldn't (for the 1,000 time) that God is thinking "Seriously, Lindsey???" Followed by an immediate silent "UGH!!" in His head. Oh but wait, that's me when I get frustrated, aggravated, or short tempered with my kids, my husband or even my job.

But who am I to not give grace freely in any of those situations when God gives me His neverending grace in ALL situations, no matter what is going on, no matter who is around, no matter what I did, no matter what he expected me to do or say, NO MATTER!

So as I go thru my daily life I'm challenging myself to remember the grace that God in his unfathomable love so freely gives me. (Disclaimer: Until the last few days) I think I've been doing much better in relation to my precious kiddos (namely the one who realizes there is such a thing as right and wrong) and hopefully even with my husband. However I know I really need to be more conscious of it as I go thru my daily life at work.

Again God is challenging me to keep His grace at the front of my mind as a challenge in my daily life. And as a testament to that, he used a co-worker today to remind me about grace. After I told him how ironic that was he mentioned it, he said "You're Catholic friend has your back!" So I got a good giggle and even more importantly a good reminder of keeping his grace and mercy at the front of my mind.

Abba Father, I can not thank you enough for your undeserved grace and unending mercy.

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