Monday, May 9, 2011

5 years

5 years is a long time. Although in the grand scheme of things, not that long. But when it comes to your first baby, it kinda is a big deal. Or at least it is to me.

Our precious baby girl turned 5 today. :) I don't know why but its been kinda hard on this Mom. To me 5 is a big deal birthday. It's like 1 or even 16 (in the grand scheme of things) it means a new start, new things, starting kindergarten, saying goodbye to being a little girl. I mean she's still our little girl, but she's not a baby, not a toddler, not a preschooler any more. All the things that kinda signal being "little".

I could not be prouder of the awesome, sweet, precious, and tender hearted girl she is turning out to be. She has such a sweet heart, and is a blessing to be around. She is a very very smart little girl who is going to be even smarter as she grows up. She is loving and kind, and loves her little brother to distraction! Like I said, she is just an overall blessing to be around!

Does she have her faults? Of course. Are alot of them my fault. Yep. Does she even have a couple of her Dad's faults. Yep! (And yes I enjoy seeing somebody else's faults at times... hey seeing my own all the time gets a little old!) But overall she is such a blessing, and those faults matter a little less when she turns and grins at us or comes running up and squeezes me tight and tells me I LOVE YOU MOMMY!! But still as her Mommy, those faults are ours to correct, and those precious parts of her personality are ours to cultivate as well.

Most importantly as her parents it's our responsibility to train her up in the way she should go. It's our responsibility to lead her to our Heavenly Father, and its His responsibility to do the rest. But are we doing that like we should? I sincerely hope and pray that we are. But if you're a parent you know, you doubt yourself. And even if you're not a parent, you know what its like to doubt yourself.

My verse for her is "Charm is deceptive and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised." Proverbs 31:30. I want her to know this verse, I want her to realize that all of the "things" of this world and what she looks like doesn't matter at all. All that matters is her love for her Abba Father and her relationship with him.

Mackenzie, your Mommy and Daddy love you more than you can ever imagine, but you know what, we can't even hold a candle to the amount of love our Heavenly Father has for you! He loved you so much that he sent his ONE and ONLY son to die for you. If you'd been the only precious blonde headed crazy girl on this planet, He'd still have done it. Without hesitation. He loves you that much. We pray with all our heart that you come to the saving knowledge of our Heavenly Father, and that you will be with us as a family, not just for our time on earth but for all of eternity in Heaven. That is our prayer for you.

I can hardly see to keep typing, so I guess I should stop there... I've got so many memories running thru my head I could recount, but then I'd be crying all over my computer and that could create a problem... I think I'll stop with these pictures.

Our first family picture.

5 years later.... give or take a few hours.

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