Sunday, September 26, 2010

Good Choices

This week Mackenzie has had some "issues" at school. Now I'm not one of those parents who thinks their kiddos are perfect and will never get in trouble for anything... However we were surprised by what she got in trouble for this week. Regardless of what she got in trouble for we are in the process of trying to correct her "issues" and encourage her making "Good Choices".

So in an effort to encourage her making "Good Choices" we made a chart that she will get to put stickers on for each day she gets a note home from her teacher that said she had a good day. After she gets so many stickers she'll get to pick on of her special prize tickets. (Which I have 3 days to make...). We're going to keep this going until we are consistently getting good reports again from her teachers. (We're not going to talk about the alternative, because we're hoping there will be very little need for that...)

My love for scrapbooking comes out in moments like this... Plus, I think if it's "cute" or looks "fun" then maybe Mackenzie will be more excited about putting stickers on it. And this is all about motivating her to make "good choices"!

I love my cricut! I got it for Christmas and have loved it! (Thanks convincing me Mom!) If I hadn't had a baby in February I bet I would have used it ALOT more! But as you can imagine, my "me" time has been severely limited! :) But oh so worth it!

We put it on the fridge so she has a constant reminder to make good choices.

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