Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Smells Like Cheetos

One of the best things about babies is the "baby smell"! You expect that wonderful smell to be replaced by stinky diapers, spit up, formula, and even smeared baby food but you never expect that smell to replaced by the smell of Cheetos!

When Mackenzie was a baby they had these cool cheese crackers with the alphabet on them that were really good first finger foods. These days they don't have those any more... They have been replaced by the "Lil Crunchies", and the cheddar flavor smells EXACTLY like cheetos!

These pics were in the early days of Lil Crunchies... when he still wasn't quite sure about them. Believe me that skeptical look is long gone!

Can you leave me alone with my food please?

Is she ever going to get that camera out of my face?

Don't let this look fool you... It's quickly followed by this face...

Me Likey!!

So now after dinner most nights we trade the "baby smell" for the smell of Cheetos... It may not be that cherished smell but at least its a memory! :)

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