Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Mommy Confession

So in the effort to be up front and honest I have a confession to make.

Tonight after Brian picked up Mackenzie from church he went to put air in my tires. While he was gone Mackenzie's dinner was finishing up in the oven and I put his in for him. (It was nugget and fish stick night in our house) On to my confession....

In the midst of trying not to burn their food I discovered an unappetizing smell coming from my son. Being the good Mommy I am, I immediately went to change his diaper. What I found was a mess! Let's just say the unappetizing surprise that was waiting for me was escaping out the top of his diaper and halfway up his back. (sorry there is no un-gross way to describe that!) I immediately decided that it would just be easier to go ahead and bathe him rather than waste a million wipes and a diaper that could be saved for another day!

Back to dinner... At this point the hubs still wasn't home and its not like you can put a baby in the bath and go pull your family's dinner out of the oven and come back to the baby. So I did what any mother in this situation would do... (ok maybe not) I cleaned up the immediately affected area and pulled his ones around his "business" and carefully sat him down on the bathroom rug while I quickly ran his bathwater. Then I took the same clean/dirty baby and sat him on the kitchen floor while I pulled dinner out of the oven. Now for a immobile baby it might not be such a dangerous game of poo-poo poker but when your baby is into everything you don't really know if the onesie is going to stay "stuck" or come "un-stuck" and create a bigger mess! But apparently I was in a gambling mood so I chanced it!!!

And ladies and gentleman I won that gamble!! I successfully didn't burn dinner, kept the mess from spreading, and got the baby clean! And what did I win you may ask??? A load of laundry that had to be done immediately!! What?? Doesn't sound like a win to you?? Think back to the million wipes and diaper I saved! I'm frugal here people!!!

1 comment:

Magen said...

Hahahahahahaha!!! Oh to be a fly on the wall at your house!