Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Ahhhhhh!! We have a back yard!!

One of the things we LOVE about our new house (well Thanksgiving weekend is still new when you have an almost 4 month old...) is our backyard!! Not only do we have a back yard, but its a BIG BIG backyard! We have a swingset, a sandbox, two storage building and still have plenty of room to run around and setup Mackenzie's pool on the weekends.

Mackenzie has always loved to play outside ever since she was a baby, but at our old house we didn't have much of a yard in the back and what we did have was full of holes and dog poo-poo. So we could only play on the deck or the driveway, neither of which were ideal for a a growing kid or a mommy who never really enjoyed being outside and getting sweaty! Ha!

But at our new house we try to get outside as much as possible now that we have a yard she can play in and stuff for her to play with. So this weekend while Brian was mowing the front yard the kids and I went into the backyard as has become our norm with Brian working.

With Dylan being so young I set him up underneath my makeshift umbrella stand which consists of our beach umbrella, a cinderblock, and a couple of bricks. Hey don't judge me it works! Then Mackenzie runs around like a crazy person from thing to thing and I alternate between a chair right outside of the umbrella's shade (as evidenced in the pics) or trying to entertain a baby boy who loves to be outside as well but is getting a little too hot for his comfort... (Refer to my post Exhausted for an example...)

Here are some cute pics from this weekends adventures in outdoors on Saturday. Sunday was RIDICULOUSLY hot and I just couldn't make myself go out there or entertain taking poor Dylan out there.

Sweet Big Sister giving her Baby Brother his bop so he'd stop whining.

She decided she needed to stay cool for a few minutes... the propped up leg trips me out everytime I look at this pic!!

Big Boy hanging out in his bathing suit.

Playing Softball... Daddy would be so proud!

Playing in her pool! (You can see our setup in the background... I feel like I move every time!)

I love this one because I caught all the water drops in the air. She just didn't seem to splash as good when she was facing me... oh well I got the token "hiney" shot as well I guess.

P.S. Told you she did a million things in the yard... and I didn't even get the sandbox or swing set.

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