Saturday, June 12, 2010

My Daily Reads

Ok so I'll admit since returning back to my blogging world... I've become obsessed, no wait that sounds wierd. I've become enamored, no wait that sounds like I'm a stalker. I've become addicted, no wait that sounds just plain creepy... Good grief, how's this? I've now found 3 blogs that are my fave's and are now my daily reads.

The Pioneer Woman

This blog is ALWAYS good to read, and she is HILARIOUS on top of all of it! She lives on a cattle ranch and is always sharing hilarious stores of the ranch and her kiddos. She also has awesome recipes, homeschools her kids (no wonder she's cool... Ha!) What got me involved at first is that she's a photographer and has awesome photography resources in every day language. It's helping me so much to learn how to understand my new camera and if I get 5 minutes maybe I can take pictures too! Ha!

Momtog Blog

I love this blog because she's a Mom who is also a professional photographer... hence the name Momtog! Ha! She is always giving tips on how to take better pictures, but even more importantly she has a precious little boy who she is always sharing stories about. This one is another great resource for those of us learning to use a "real" camera.

The McMommy Chronicles

I love this hilarious blog because she's random just like I am! You never know what to expect from day to day, but its always great and hilarious stories!

So if you have any free time (yeah right) or you just decide to forfeit a little sleep check these ladies out! Watch out or you'll find yourself going thru their archives and lose an hour you should have been doing laundry, cleaning, or worse sleeping!

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